Greg invites you to explore his credits and reputation in the music industry, which he guards closely. You may view credits with the About button on the home page. Those selected to work with him progress faster with their careers, and get opportunities many others only dream of. Greg has produced and arranged for the biggest names in the business, nationally and regionally. His reputation spans 27 years in the industry, with an incredibly vast amount of award-winning work. The following paragraphs briefly explain the program possibilities.
Demo Submissions:
Follow instructions below to submit your work.
Level One: Skill Builder
Get personal reviews of your work, feedback, advice and referrals from Greg for a nominal fee, while you work and improve on your composing, song writing or performing skills.
Level Two: Entering the Industry
Greg will consider material or talent deemed to be commercially viable, produce it for a fee as a single or mini album, and list it with his online stores, and
Singers and instrumentalists may be given an opportunity to record on a commercially
released project. Quality songs will be considered for upcoming albums.
Level Three: Artist Development, Production, Distribution and Promotion
A limited number of artists with sufficient skill, performing ability and talent will be accepted into Greg’s artist development program.
Greg will help you develop your artist image and material, produce a commercially viable product to support that image, provide names and contacts for distribution and radio play, instructions and support on marketing your album, and counsel with you on advertising and performing. A personal endorsement from Greg opens industry doors and is of great advantage, should he take on your project. Though the independent artist pays the costs involved, those of excellent ability may be able to be part of Greg’s Eagle Springs record label, and participate in shows and concerts he produces. Greg will usually endorse and act as a promoter for these projects.
Level Four: Signed Artist with Eagle Springs Records
The best new artists Greg deems viable are signed to Eagle Springs Records. The record company pays all costs involved and the artist receives a royalty. These artists perform with shows the label sponsors. Eagle Springs Records produces fresh, positive, inspirational, values-centered music in many genres, which can be, though may not always, be associated with any particular religion.
To submit your demo online:
For an in-depth review, you must include:
1. No more than two songs per demo as mp3 (or PDF's for sheet music) attachments
to your e-mail
2. All pertinent contact info (name, address, phone, e-mail).
3. A brief outline of your musical experience and aspirations: (i.e. published/recorded
songwriter, vocal artist, instrumental artist, studio vocalist or musician,
4. A $25 fee payable online by clicking on the "submit demo" button
Vocalists and instrumentalists:
Same process as above, but vocalists and instrumentalists should include no
more than three songs per demo, showing your best work as a performer, composer,
or studio musician.
Demos should be reasonably recorded for best presentation and clarity of lyrics. Sheet music need not be recorded if it includes accompaniment.
To submit a demo via snail mail, follow the instructions above, then include all your contact information on the CD itself, accompanied by a $25 check payable to Greg Hansen Music Productions, and mail it to:
Greg Hansen
1907 Ranch Road
Eagle Mountain, UT 84005
Materials will not be returned, so keep your originals. Allow 2 weeks for a reply.